Abu Ghusun

Distance: 1 hour drive south from Gemma ; 90 minutes drive south from Kahramana | Suitable for all experience levels of diver | Maximum Depth: 18 metres | Wreck dive, reef with hard & soft corals

Marsa Samadai

Distance: 15 minutes north of Gemma Resort ; 30 minutes south of Kahramana Resort | Suitable for all experience levels of diver | Maximum Depth: 20-25 metres

Marsa Assalaia

Distance: 25 minutes north of Gemma Resort ; 15 minutes south of Kahramana Resort – Suitable for all experience levels of diver – Maximum Depth: 25-30 metres

(Million Hope Wreck) The most amazing wreck site

This wreck is rarely dived due to its proximity to the coast. However, if you are lucky enough to dive, you are in for a treat. Depth: 0-30m Level: Suitable for all levels This wreck is rarely the most amazing thing to dive due to its proximity to the coast

(Cormorant Wreck) The amazing wreck

In August 1984 the Kormoran wreck, built in 1963 in the Rostock shipyards (Germany), depth: 12 m Level: Intermediate The amazing wreck diving site In August 1984 the Kormoran, built in 1963 in the Rostock shipyards (Germany)

Ras Mohammed

RAS MOHAMED National Park has 9 dive sites: Ras Ghozlani, Marsa Barieka, Ras Zatar, Jackfish Alley, Eel Garden, Shark Observatory, Anemone City, Shark & ​​Yolanda Reefs. Depth: 5-40 m Level: Intermediate RAS MOHAMED National Park

Ras Ghozlani

A beautiful dive site for diving in Ras Mohamed Nationa Park. Depth: 7-30 m Level: Suitable for all levels A beautiful dive site for diving in Ras Mohamed Nationa Park. This site has an excellent selection of beautiful table corals

Ras Za’tar

Located at the southern entrance of the large bay Marsa Bareika, this dive combines a vertical wall Depth: 4-29 m Level: Intermediate Located at the southern entrance of the large bay Marsa Bareika, this dive combines a vertical wall

(Jackfish Alley) The best place for diving

It’s not just a word, it’s a fact, (Jackfish Alley) The name of this place is derived from the white sand road between the coral outcrop that borders the coast Depth: 0-18 m Level: Intermediate It’s not just a Word

Far garden

Far Garden in front of the Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort, it is located in the northernmost part of a beautiful bay north of Naama Bay. Depth: 5-45m Level: Suitable for all levels Far Garden in front of the Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort

(Temple) The most incredible dive site

The temple is located on the north side of Sharm El Sheikh port. Formed by a group of three pinnacles that rise to the surface from a depth of 20 meters. Depth: 5-30 m Level: Suitable for all levels The temple is located on the north side of Sharm El Sheikh port.

(Thistlegorm Wreck) the most amazing Wreck

THE THISTLEGORM, its Gaelic name meaning BLUE THISTLE, was a British transport ship belonging to the Albyn Line shipping company, is 126.5 meters long, a capacity of 4,898 tons and had a `three cylinder steam engine developing 1,860 HP that gave the vessel a speed of around 10 knots.

(Woodhouse Reef) the most interesting

Woodhouse Reef is narrow and long, dive are done only as drift dives and only in good weather conditions. the most interesting part is the northern half of the eastern side with a canyon starting at 30 meters